Tactics: Celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act in Your Community

Step One

Are you excited to spread the word about Inflation Reduction Act benefits in your community? We’ve got you covered! 

First, check-out our toolkit, which outlines the historic funding to implement a Clean Energy Plan (Hello, millions of jobs! Hello, reliable renewable energy! Hello, energy efficient appliances!) and lower everyday healthcare costs for millions of Americans, all the while making sure the ultrawealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. It then walks you through how to take action through community tabling events or other educational and celebration actions!

Step Two

Second, register your event. This lets you take advantage of resources below, and means we can help you recruit for the event.

Step Three

Third, take advantage of resources we’ve got to make it easier to take action:

  • Flyers and Graphics: we’ve got flyers that talk about the specific benefits of the IRA for each state as well as graphics for you to use!

  • Reimbursements: We’ll support up to $200 for any action you take supporting the Powering Progress – whether that’s printing, snacks, signs, or more! All actions need to be nonpartisan and non-lobbying to be reimbursed.

  • Swag and supplies: Check back soon for more information about how to get cool swag for your event!


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